Meet the Team

Cooper relaxes after work by practicing his golf swing - he has some of his best insights on the golf course. This is his secret recipe for 25 successful years in enterprise application deployment and sales. Cooper is a critical thinker; he evaluates available information and alternatives before making a decision. Cooper is a Managing Partner and CEO of Dovelox, focusing on policy and strategic direction.

Nilufer's interest in puzzles and ability to recognize patterns led her to software development. Nilufer has been delivering netFORUM™ solutions for 15+ years. Her joy of working with this software and people -colleagues and clients- makes this her dream job. Nilufer is a Managing Partner and CHO of Dovelox, focusing on operations and services. She is a triathlete, a devoted yoga practicer, and a private pilot.

Oguzhan is an early riser; he is up at 5am, not to rush to work, but to enjoy the sunrise. He swims laps at the pool before work for a fresh start. In addition to 10+ years of experience in developing and delivering customizations for netFORUM™ software, Oguzhan is a results driven leader, a natural problem solver and a quick thinker. Oguzhan is a Managing Partner of Dovelox, and he is responsible for leading the engineering team. Oh yes and he bikes to work.

Evren is a Star Wars fan. He is fascinated by Master Yoda’s teachings. His favorite quote is “Do or do not! There is no try”. Evren works tirelessly on a concept to understand its principles. He doesn’t give up because a problem is difficult; he simplifies by breaking it into smaller parts. Evren is one of our netFORUM™ developers, with extensive experience in web services and reports. He is the sheriff of the office; always watching out for the team.

Yekta loves three things: sleeping and her two cats. She finds peace in nature and her favorite kind of vacation is camping at the beach. She refuses to own a car and bikes to work; her fuel is ravioli for lunch. Yekta’s main reason to go to work everyday is the team she gets to work with. She has a natural talent to simplify and is our go to person for complex processes; Yekta wrote 20+ integrations for netFORUM™. She is known as the netFORUM™ guru.

Ahmet is a collector; he has a collection of video game action figures. He proudly displays a small sample of Pokemon toy collection on his desk. His enthusiasm for games turned into a passion for mobile applications. Ahmet is one of our netFORUM™ developers. He has a discerning eye for bugs, and he is quick, thorough and complete with his fixes. He finds peace in spending time with his two loves; his wife and daughter.

Do you want to Dovelox with us? Do you want to join the team?
Tell us about yourself. What are your passions? What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at?